Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pre-commit goodness

This solution was used to solve programmers frequently accidentally committing debug executables into SVN. On developer machines you rarely see this issue because all the debug libs exist, but a level designer or artist will frequently run into the problem and will have no idea what the problem is, and someone will have to take a look at it and figure out what in the world is going on. Then the doh! moment happens and someone has to recompile and commit that.

The precommit hook also show an example of how to deny committing certain files like .argb and thumb.db

The solution is simple enough. Add a precommit hook that scans all the exe's for debug libs. This method uses Dependency Walker by Steve Miller.

So far I've tested it on rather large commits with 20 exe's and it doesn't take more than 20 - 30 seconds to complete. Server is running a i7-960 for reference.

cd /d %~dp0

SET PATH=E:\svn;E:\bin;E:\depends

svnlook changed %REPOS% -t %TXN% > E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%

grep -E "A.+(.argb)" E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
 echo Do not commit ARGB files! >&2
 goto :error

grep -E "A.+(thumbs.db)" E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (
 echo Do not commit thumbs.db! >&2
 goto :error

grep -P -o "(?<=\w\s\s\s).+\.exe" E:\temp\svnlook%TXN% > E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%_exegrep

for /f "tokens=1 delims=¶" %%f IN (E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%_exegrep) DO (
 svnlook cat %REPOS% -t %TXN% "%%f" > E:\temp\temp
 depends.exe /c /of:E:\temp\dep.txt E:\temp\temp
 grep -E "QT.+D4.DLL" E:\temp\dep.txt
 if "!ERRORLEVEL!"=="0" (
  echo Do not commit Debug executables! %%f is in debug>&2
  goto :error

del E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%
del E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%_exegrep
exit 0

del E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%
del E:\temp\svnlook%TXN%_exegrep
exit 1