Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Statistical Profiling for Free

1. Download the Profiler. Here .

2. Add the Profiler to the path.
- C:\Program Files\Visual Studio 9\Team Tools\Performance Tools.

3. Add the environment variable
- _NT_SYMBOL_PATH = symsrv*symsrv.dll*c:\localcache*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols

4. Run the application
- VsPerfCmd /start:sample /output:"FenixDebug.vsp" /launch:"FenixMultiDebug.exe"

5. When done testing. Exit the Application

6. Shutdown the profiler
- VsPerfCmd -shutdown

7. Generate the Report
- VsPerfReport /summary:all /packsymbols FenixDebug.vsp

8. Parse the reports. Easiest way is to use excel, but I might be working on a graphical tool soon.